
Bobbi Mug Rug

My Bobbi Mug Rug is a quick and easy beginner design. You can support this design by purchasing my PDF download with photos by clicking here.

Pattern Details

Level of Difficulty: Beginner


  • Lily® Sugar ‘n Cream® Yarn
  • Pictured Color: Soft Ecru


  • 4mm hook size
  • Yarn needle


  • Chain (CH)
  • Single crochet (SC)
  • Triple crochet (TC)
  • Bobble (B)


4″ x 4″

without fringe

Stitches to know

Bobble Stitch

*Yarn over, insert hook into ST, yarn over, and pull through 2 loops on your hook*. Repeat 2 more times. Pull through all 4 loops on your hook.

Pattern Instructions

Ch 18

Row 1: Insert hook in 2nd ST from hook. SC across (17). Ch 1, turn.

Row 2: SC across (17). Ch 3, turn.

Row 3: B in same ST as ch 3. Ch 1. *Sk St, B, Ch 1* across (9 bobbles). In last St with B, TC. Ch 1.

Row 4-5: SC across (17). Ch 1, turn.

Row 6: SC across (17). Ch 3, turn.

Row 7: B in same ST as Ch 3. Ch 1. *Sk St, B, Ch 1* across (9 bobbles). In last St with B, TC. Ch 1, turn.

Row 8-12: repeat rows 4-7

Row 13-16: repeat rows 4-7

Row 17: SC across (17). Ch 1, turn.

Row 18: SC across (17). Ch 1, turn. Fasten off and weave in ends.

Adding Fringe

You will need two 3 inch strands of yarn for each fringe (68). Insert hook into ST. Fold two strands of yarn in half on hook, forming a loop, and pull through. Using your hook, pull the ends of the strands through the loop. Tighten. Repeat in each ST (17 each side). Trim fringe to equal lengths.

I hope you enjoy crocheting these mug rugs as much as I enjoyed designing them. Please share your Bobbi Mug Rugs on Instagram with me by tagging @melissabakermaker.

Happy stitching!

Purchase this design as a PDF with step-by-step photos by clicking here!
